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Химчистка-прачечная БЕЛЫЙ ГОРОД
Химчистка-прачечная БЕЛЫЙ ГОРОД Ваш персональный технолог. Химчистка одежды. Изделия из меха. Химчистка кожи и замши. Индивидуальная стирка. Аквачистка.

Dance class for English speakers (Latin American and Ballroom dance)

Дата добавления:26 марта 2010г.
Контактная информация:I can always answer all your questions from the e-mail k.kate@inbox.ru
contact tel.+ 7 916 354 28 23 Katerina.

Pilates studio IVA invites on Latin American and Ballroom Dance class, which open on English language.
It is incredible active 1 hour individual lesson with Latin American and Ballroom rhythms .
You will learn
Samba – this dance come from Brazil. This is dance carnival, dance fiesta
Rumba- dance of passion, dance of love which says us about deep relationships between woman and men
Cha-cha-cha - dance from Cuba, dance flirt, dance fair and beautiful melodies
Jive - some kind of Rock and Roll, active swing dance.

English Waltz - which is very soft and slow. This dance for some special moments in your life
Vienna Waltz - different kind of Waltz, active and fast with a lot of turns, but very lyrical
Tango - Dance of passion. You will learn how to express your emotions inside throughout steps
Our lessons will be build in way that we will begin from the easy things and step by step learn more difficult things. You will always increase your level and have a lot of fun on our lessons.
You can be ready for some public place or even you can create your own dance for some evening!!!
If you have not couple but you still you want enjoy lessons , our teacher can help you to be your partner.
Pilates club IVA has very good location in Northwest part of Moscow in green region Krasnogorsk. It is close to the 69 km on MKAD(10min.)and Ilinka road.